
Project of Spanish National Plan (PID2019-109388GB-I00)


This project aims at generating advanced knowledge on the affordances as well as trade-offs and limitations of multisensory and sematic data exploration in scenenarios related with sensemaking and learning.

O1. Investigate potential affordances and limitations of different types of MSI.
O2. Develope scenarios of use and proofs-of-concept of MSI data exploration for sense making and learning.
O3. Evaluate the impact of MSI data exploration in sensemaking and learning.
O4. Define and validate design heuristics and guidelines for MSI data exploration for sensemaking and learning.


Paloma Díaz Pérez

(Main Researcher)

Andrea Bellucci


Elena Márquez Segura


Teresa Onorati


Alejandro Rey López

(PhD Student)

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